Tuesday, 9 October 2012

De-Stash Teddy for her Highness Princess Wrigglebottom.

True to the spirit of the task I set myself of not buying anything before making twelve items out of my stash. Here is number two. Made from the remnants of cotton from the granny square jacket I made for Fern. I didn't use a pattern I just let it evolve (posh way of saying I made it up as I went along). I am so envious of people who can get a pretty expression on their creatures faces mine always look stunned. Ha ha!
I've called him Rasbeary Beary. Do you geddit?
Fond regards


  1. He has a fab expression - lovely

    Carolyn Trafford

  2. She's lovely Pat! I love the little heart nose xx

  3. Oh what a lovely bear, andthat is the best expression ever! x
