Friday, 6 July 2012

Tag Tuesday 'Seaside'


  1. Don't you love her red shoes? This is a great tag, the water has such nice texture, and I love the little huts off in the distance! Barb

  2. Hi Pat! I just read your lovely comment on my blog and since you have a no reply address, I came here to see where I know you from (I'll get there) and to thank you so much! Here's the reply I left to your comment:

    Thank you Pat! It's really a rare day when someone thinks of me as generous but I love hearing it!!! You and all these other REALLY generous people are making a believer out of me.:)

    And, again...your tag is delightful!

  3. Hi, I came over to 'investigate' your place, too! This is such a wonderful tag, what a great idea with the holograph paper! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Wow this is super, the water looks so real,a great tag creation. x x
