Monday, 14 February 2011

All you need is love.


I thought I would post a few of my digital images. The first one is specifically for all you Mabel Lucie Atwell lovers. Viv over at Hens teeth  (see sidebar)has a lovely post at the moment about MLA. I tried to make a link but failed miserably I'm such a dummy! The other two I dug out because it’s Valentines day today and I dedicate them to the memory of Meg. It would have been her fourteenth birthday today. Thank you everyone for your lovely sympathetic words of condolence. And a happy birthday to Lettice 13 today
Mabel's Moon Fairies

Cupid in the Attic

All you need is LOVE


  1. Thank you Pat for mentioning Lettice's birthday as well as Meg's. What a lovely thought. Don't you just love them. Past and present. Be of good heart LLX

  2. O my this are so them.
